Unieke reproductie van de wereldberoemde Tarot van Marseille gebaseerd op de originele versie van Nicolas Conver, Parijs 1760. Verpakt in hard kartonnen doosje, handleiding en teksten o.a. in het Engels.
Tekst: Maria Morsucci, artwork: Mattia Ottolini
Formaat: 70 x 12 cm, 78 kaarten
The Marseille Tarot, in vintage edition. This is the feeling of tradition. The feeling of time-worn cards, handled by generations of rough hands, shuffling, playing, reading with the Arcana. With this deck, his- tory knocks at our door, and allow us to become part of it. It feels like the Marseille Tarot has completed its journey and returned to its older and truer form.
Anna Maria Morsucci, art by Mattia Ottolini,
78 cards, 65x118 mm. Instructions. Multilingual Edition.